* @file Abstraction layer for websocket and long polling connections.
* @copyright 2015-2022 Tinode LLC.
'use strict';
import CommError from './comm-error.js';
import {
} from './utils.js';
let WebSocketProvider;
let XHRProvider;
// Error code to return in case of a network problem.
const NETWORK_ERROR = 503;
const NETWORK_ERROR_TEXT = "Connection failed";
// Error code to return when user disconnected from server.
const NETWORK_USER = 418;
const NETWORK_USER_TEXT = "Disconnected by client";
// Settings for exponential backoff
const _BOFF_BASE = 2000; // 2000 milliseconds, minimum delay between reconnects
const _BOFF_MAX_ITER = 10; // Maximum delay between reconnects 2^10 * 2000 ~ 34 minutes
const _BOFF_JITTER = 0.3; // Add random delay
// Helper function for creating an endpoint URL.
function makeBaseUrl(host, protocol, version, apiKey) {
let url = null;
if (['http', 'https', 'ws', 'wss'].includes(protocol)) {
url = `${protocol}://${host}`;
if (url.charAt(url.length - 1) !== '/') {
url += '/';
url += 'v' + version + '/channels';
if (['http', 'https'].includes(protocol)) {
// Long polling endpoint ends with "lp", i.e.
// '/v0/channels/lp' vs just '/v0/channels' for ws
url += '/lp';
url += '?apikey=' + apiKey;
return url;
* An abstraction for a websocket or a long polling connection.
* @class Connection
* @memberof Tinode
* @param {Object} config - configuration parameters.
* @param {string} config.host - Host name and optional port number to connect to.
* @param {string} config.apiKey - API key generated by <code>keygen</code>.
* @param {string} config.transport - Network transport to use, either <code>"ws"<code>/<code>"wss"</code> for websocket or
* <code>lp</code> for long polling.
* @param {boolean} config.secure - Use Secure WebSocket if <code>true</code>.
* @param {string} version_ - Major value of the protocol version, e.g. '0' in '0.17.1'.
* @param {boolean} autoreconnect_ - If connection is lost, try to reconnect automatically.
export default class Connection {
// Logger, does nothing by default.
static #log = _ => {};
#boffTimer = null;
#boffIteration = 0;
#boffClosed = false; // Indicator if the socket was manually closed - don't autoreconnect if true.
// Websocket.
#socket = null;
// (config.host, config.apiKey, config.transport, config.secure), PROTOCOL_VERSION, true
constructor(config, version_, autoreconnect_) {
this.host = config.host;
this.secure = config.secure;
this.apiKey = config.apiKey;
this.version = version_;
this.autoreconnect = autoreconnect_;
if (config.transport === 'lp') {
// explicit request to use long polling
this.initialized = 'lp';
} else if (config.transport === 'ws') {
// explicit request to use web socket
// if websockets are not available, horrible things will happen
this.initialized = 'ws';
if (!this.initialized) {
// Invalid or undefined network transport.
Connection.#log("Unknown or invalid network transport. Running under Node? Call 'Tinode.setNetworkProviders()'.");
throw new Error("Unknown or invalid network transport. Running under Node? Call 'Tinode.setNetworkProviders()'.");
* To use Connection in a non browser context, supply WebSocket and XMLHttpRequest providers.
* @static
* @memberof Connection
* @param wsProvider WebSocket provider, e.g. for nodeJS , <code>require('ws')</code>.
* @param xhrProvider XMLHttpRequest provider, e.g. for node <code>require('xhr')</code>.
static setNetworkProviders(wsProvider, xhrProvider) {
WebSocketProvider = wsProvider;
XHRProvider = xhrProvider;
* Assign a non-default logger.
* @static
* @memberof Connection
* @param {function} l variadic logging function.
static set logger(l) {
Connection.#log = l;
* Initiate a new connection
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
* @param {string} host_ Host name to connect to; if <code>null</code> the old host name will be used.
* @param {boolean} force Force new connection even if one already exists.
* @return {Promise} Promise resolved/rejected when the connection call completes, resolution is called without
* parameters, rejection passes the {Error} as parameter.
connect(host_, force) {
return Promise.reject(null);
* Try to restore a network connection, also reset backoff.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
* @param {boolean} force - reconnect even if there is a live connection already.
reconnect(force) {}
* Terminate the network connection
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
disconnect() {}
* Send a string to the server.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
* @param {string} msg - String to send.
* @throws Throws an exception if the underlying connection is not live.
sendText(msg) {}
* Check if connection is alive.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
* @returns {boolean} <code>true</code> if connection is live, <code>false</code> otherwise.
isConnected() {
return false;
* Get the name of the current network transport.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
* @returns {string} name of the transport such as <code>"ws"</code> or <code>"lp"</code>.
transport() {
return this.initialized;
* Send network probe to check if connection is indeed live.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
probe() {
* Reset autoreconnect counter to zero.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
backoffReset() {
// Backoff implementation - reconnect after a timeout.
#boffReconnect() {
// Clear timer
// Calculate when to fire the reconnect attempt
const timeout = _BOFF_BASE * (Math.pow(2, this.#boffIteration) * (1.0 + _BOFF_JITTER * Math.random()));
// Update iteration counter for future use
this.#boffIteration = (this.#boffIteration >= _BOFF_MAX_ITER ? this.#boffIteration : this.#boffIteration + 1);
if (this.onAutoreconnectIteration) {
this.#boffTimer = setTimeout(_ => {
Connection.#log(`Reconnecting, iter=${this.#boffIteration}, timeout=${timeout}`);
// Maybe the socket was closed while we waited for the timer?
if (!this.#boffClosed) {
const prom = this.connect();
if (this.onAutoreconnectIteration) {
this.onAutoreconnectIteration(0, prom);
} else {
// Suppress error if it's not used.
prom.catch(_ => {
/* do nothing */
} else if (this.onAutoreconnectIteration) {
}, timeout);
// Terminate auto-reconnect process.
#boffStop() {
this.#boffTimer = null;
// Reset auto-reconnect iteration counter.
#boffReset() {
this.#boffIteration = 0;
// Initialization for long polling.
#init_lp() {
const XDR_UNSENT = 0; // Client has been created. open() not called yet.
const XDR_OPENED = 1; // open() has been called.
const XDR_HEADERS_RECEIVED = 2; // send() has been called, and headers and status are available.
const XDR_LOADING = 3; // Downloading; responseText holds partial data.
const XDR_DONE = 4; // The operation is complete.
// Fully composed endpoint URL, with API key & SID
let _lpURL = null;
let _poller = null;
let _sender = null;
let lp_sender = (url_) => {
const sender = new XHRProvider();
sender.onreadystatechange = (evt) => {
if (sender.readyState == XDR_DONE && sender.status >= 400) {
// Some sort of error response
throw new CommError("LP sender failed", sender.status);
sender.open('POST', url_, true);
return sender;
let lp_poller = (url_, resolve, reject) => {
let poller = new XHRProvider();
let promiseCompleted = false;
poller.onreadystatechange = evt => {
if (poller.readyState == XDR_DONE) {
if (poller.status == 201) { // 201 == HTTP.Created, get SID
let pkt = JSON.parse(poller.responseText, jsonParseHelper);
_lpURL = url_ + '&sid=' + pkt.ctrl.params.sid;
poller = lp_poller(_lpURL);
if (this.onOpen) {
if (resolve) {
promiseCompleted = true;
if (this.autoreconnect) {
} else if (poller.status > 0 && poller.status < 400) { // 0 = network error; 400 = HTTP.BadRequest
if (this.onMessage) {
poller = lp_poller(_lpURL);
} else {
// Don't throw an error here, gracefully handle server errors
if (reject && !promiseCompleted) {
promiseCompleted = true;
if (this.onMessage && poller.responseText) {
if (this.onDisconnect) {
const code = poller.status || (this.#boffClosed ? NETWORK_USER : NETWORK_ERROR);
const text = poller.responseText || (this.#boffClosed ? NETWORK_USER_TEXT : NETWORK_ERROR_TEXT);
this.onDisconnect(new CommError(text, code), code);
// Polling has stopped. Indicate it by setting poller to null.
poller = null;
if (!this.#boffClosed && this.autoreconnect) {
// Using POST to avoid caching response by service worker.
poller.open('POST', url_, true);
return poller;
this.connect = (host_, force) => {
this.#boffClosed = false;
if (_poller) {
if (!force) {
return Promise.resolve();
_poller.onreadystatechange = undefined;
_poller = null;
if (host_) {
this.host = host_;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const url = makeBaseUrl(this.host, this.secure ? 'https' : 'http', this.version, this.apiKey);
Connection.#log("LP connecting to:", url);
_poller = lp_poller(url, resolve, reject);
}).catch(err => {
Connection.#log("LP connection failed:", err);
this.reconnect = force => {
this.connect(null, force);
this.disconnect = _ => {
this.#boffClosed = true;
if (_sender) {
_sender.onreadystatechange = undefined;
_sender = null;
if (_poller) {
_poller.onreadystatechange = undefined;
_poller = null;
if (this.onDisconnect) {
this.onDisconnect(new CommError(NETWORK_USER_TEXT, NETWORK_USER), NETWORK_USER);
// Ensure it's reconstructed
_lpURL = null;
this.sendText = (msg) => {
_sender = lp_sender(_lpURL);
if (_sender && (_sender.readyState == XDR_OPENED)) { // 1 == OPENED
} else {
throw new Error("Long poller failed to connect");
this.isConnected = _ => {
return (_poller && true);
// Initialization for Websocket
#init_ws() {
this.connect = (host_, force) => {
this.#boffClosed = false;
if (this.#socket) {
if (!force && this.#socket.readyState == this.#socket.OPEN) {
return Promise.resolve();
this.#socket = null;
if (host_) {
this.host = host_;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const url = makeBaseUrl(this.host, this.secure ? 'wss' : 'ws', this.version, this.apiKey);
Connection.#log("WS connecting to: ", url);
// It throws when the server is not accessible but the exception cannot be caught:
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31002592/javascript-doesnt-catch-error-in-websocket-instantiation/31003057
const conn = new WebSocketProvider(url);
conn.onerror = err => {
conn.onopen = _ => {
if (this.autoreconnect) {
if (this.onOpen) {
conn.onclose = _ => {
this.#socket = null;
if (this.onDisconnect) {
const code = this.#boffClosed ? NETWORK_USER : NETWORK_ERROR;
this.onDisconnect(new CommError(this.#boffClosed ? NETWORK_USER_TEXT : NETWORK_ERROR_TEXT, code), code);
if (!this.#boffClosed && this.autoreconnect) {
conn.onmessage = evt => {
if (this.onMessage) {
this.#socket = conn;
this.reconnect = force => {
this.connect(null, force);
this.disconnect = _ => {
this.#boffClosed = true;
if (!this.#socket) {
this.#socket = null;
this.sendText = msg => {
if (this.#socket && (this.#socket.readyState == this.#socket.OPEN)) {
} else {
throw new Error("Websocket is not connected");
this.isConnected = _ => {
return (this.#socket && (this.#socket.readyState == this.#socket.OPEN));
// Callbacks:
* A callback to pass incoming messages to. See {@link Tinode.Connection#onMessage}.
* @callback Tinode.Connection.OnMessage
* @memberof Tinode.Connection
* @param {string} message - Message to process.
onMessage = undefined;
* A callback for reporting a dropped connection.
* @type {function}
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
onDisconnect = undefined;
* A callback called when the connection is ready to be used for sending. For websockets it's socket open,
* for long polling it's <code>readyState=1</code> (OPENED)
* @type {function}
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
onOpen = undefined;
* A callback to notify of reconnection attempts. See {@link Tinode.Connection#onAutoreconnectIteration}.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection
* @callback AutoreconnectIterationType
* @param {string} timeout - time till the next reconnect attempt in milliseconds. <code>-1</code> means reconnect was skipped.
* @param {Promise} promise resolved or rejected when the reconnect attemp completes.
* A callback to inform when the next attampt to reconnect will happen and to receive connection promise.
* @memberof Tinode.Connection#
* @type {Tinode.Connection.AutoreconnectIterationType}
onAutoreconnectIteration = undefined;